Framework and status

Legal framework for the organization of studies

A new decree (November 7, 2013) defines the landscape of higher education in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. It sets up a new organization of studies common to all higher establishments of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Since the start of the 2015-2016 school year, the provisions of this decree apply to all students registered at ArBA-EsA. Here is the legal framework in which the Academy operates, and which organizes the EsA in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

-Decree of May 17, 1999 relating to higher artistic education 

- Decree of December 20, 2001 establishing the specific rules for higher artistic education organized in higher art schools 

- Order of the government of the French Community of August 29, 2013 establishing the general regulations for studies in higher arts schools organized or subsidized by the French Community 

- Decree of November 7, 2013 defining the landscape of higher education and the academic organization of studies

The Academy of Research and Higher Education (ARES) aims to guarantee the exercise of the various missions of higher education, research and service to the community and to promote collaboration between establishments. ARES: Academy of Research and Higher Education

School Status

Arba-Esa is a full-fledged artistic higher education establishment, whose organizing authority is the City of Brussels. This depends on the Ministry of Public Instruction. This special link with the municipal authorities dates back to the founding of the Brussels Academy in 1711.

It belongs to the official education network, subsidized by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Arba-Esa is therefore a member of CPEONS (Council of Organizing Powers of Subsidized Neutral Official Education). This brings together a very large majority of provincial and municipal organizing authorities which provide neutral official education.

The school is part of the Brussels-Wallonia European University Cluster. Its objective is the creation of a European center of higher education and research, guaranteeing the quality of high-level teaching, optimizing the student's journey and aiming to strengthen complementarities and share the educational resources of its members.