Carole Mousset, alumni du Cursus Peinture, participe à l'exposition collective Lucky Charms.
LUCKY CHARMS is the first edition of The Assistants Choice, curated by the assistants of Ballroom Gallery (Marie Colebunders), DMW Gallery (Mathias Verhoeven) and Base-Alpha Gallery (Yasmin Van der Rauwelaert). Each assistant was invited to make a selection of artists and bring them together into a group exhibition at Ballroom Gallery.
“A Lucky Charm is an object or person that is thought to bring good luck, also known as a talisman or an amulet. It has an empowering and symbolic meaning, a sacred and hopeful reminder that is very personal to its owner.”
LUCKY CHARMS is a group exhibition with Alice Vanderschoot, Arnaud Eubelen, Arthur Dufoor, Carole Mousset, Che Go Eun, Chloé Arrouy (& Dennis Meersman), Elena Minyeyevtseva, Gavin Vanaelst, Geran Knol, Manon van den Eeden, Nicolas Zanoni, Rūdolfs Štamers, Sigurrós G. Björnsdóttir and Tommy Smits.