
The ERASMUS exchange program allows students to carry out a period of study or an internship abroad as part of their educational journey.

Outgoing students


ArBA-EsA has participated in the ERASMUS exchange program since 1991. It has developed agreements with around thirty partner establishments: Germany, England, Spain, France, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Turkey, etc.

It is planned that ERASMUS exchanges will take place in the 3rd Bachelor or 1st Masters and only during the 1st semester. The principle is that exchanges take place between partner establishments and for a four-term period.The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) allows full academic recognition of ERASMUS study periods and the valorization of grades obtained abroad.


Information meeting

Each year an information meeting is organized in mid-November for those who are interested in exchanges. ERASMUS exchanges also allow internships in companies abroad.

If you are interested in participating in the ERASMUS exchange program, do not hesitate to contact the ERASMUS office (

Application procedure

Applications are made the year preceding the exchange. Applications are analyzed by an internal jury. Students are selected on the basis of a file (portfolio + cover letter) and a presentation to the jury.


Mobility conditions

Study mobility :

During the 1st term of the 3rd year of the Bachelor or the 1st year of the Master

Students who have passed with an average of at least 60% during the previous year, the year in which they submitted their application, and having obtained a favorable opinion from the internal jury

Submit, to the ERASMUS office, an application form signed by the course holder by the end of January (the precise date will be sent to you by e-mail via the Erasmus office) of the current academic year. This signed form commits the student to going on mobility.

Procédure pour réaliser une mobilité Erasmus au sein d'une école partenaire

Study agreement

The Learning agreement is a contract between the student and the two Erasmus coordinators which covers all of the courses and the equivalence of courses from one school to another.

The learning agreement must be drawn up via the OLA platform. You will find attached the document explaining the procedure for creating the study agreement (L.A.)

Convention d'étude
This process must be carried out either with your Erasmus coordinator at the host school or with the Erasmus coordinator at ArBA-EsA.

Internship mobility

In a company in Europe with the Erasmus program or outside Europe with the Fame program.


  1. With the Fame program, for a minimum of three months :
    • In the 1st term of the master 1 instead of the internship in Belgium and the artistic support course; Or
    • In the 1st quadrimester of the master 2 as a minor in the workshop
  2. With the Erasmus program, for a minimum of two months:
    • In the 1st term of the master 1 instead of the internship in Belgium and the artistic support course;
    • In the 1st quadrimester of the master 2 as a minor in the workshop; Or
    • After your final year (in this case you will already have graduated, you will no longer have to be registered at school, you will however have to be domiciled in Belgium and have this internship registered as a professional integration internship with of Actiris).

Who, how? 
Students having passed with an average of at least 60% during the previous year, the year in which they submit their application by May 15 in the ERASMUS office, their project will be analyzed and approved by the teaching team and management.

Procedure for international internship

Procédure pour stage international


All students must take out special insurance.

All students in addition to the Erasmus grant can also apply for additional social assistance.

Incoming students

Les étudiant·e·s entrant·e·s [FR]

Un échange Erasmus à l’Académie royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles est une excellente opportunité d’étudier en plein cœur de l’Europe, dans une de ses plus anciennes académies des beaux-arts.

Si vous souhaitez passer un semestre à l’ArBA-EsA, en tant qu’étudiant·e Erasmus, contactez d’abord votre coordinat·eur·rice Erasmus afin de voir s’il existe un contrat bilatéral entre l’ArBA-EsA et votre institution. Ces informations sont aussi disponibles sur "Ecoles Partenaires ".

IMPORTANT : Votre acceptation est basée sur la qualité de votre portfolio et sur la place dans les ateliers. Une nomination Erasmus dans votre école ne veut pas dire que vous êtes accepté·e à l'ARBA-ESA. Un jury interne décide de votre application. 

Veuillez nous faire parvenir par email à l’adresse suivante :, les documents suivants : 

  • Le formulaire de candidature (téléchargeable dans l'onglet "Téléchargements" situé en haut à gauche de votre écran)
  • Votre portfolio (max A4)
  • Un CV 
  • Une lettre de motivation 

Veuillez nous faire parvenir ces documents avant le 15 avril pour le semestre d'automne de l'année académique suivante et avant le 15 novembre pour le semestre de printemps.

Téléchargez le formulaire de candidature ICI

‼️Les candidatures ERASMUS pour le cursus Espace Urbain - ISAC, ne peuvent se faire qu'au deuxième quadrimestre.

Incoming students [EN]

Applying for an Erasmus exchange at the Royal Academy of fine-Arts of Brussels is a fantastic opportunity to study at the heart of the European capital in one of the oldest art academies of Europe.

If you are interested in spending a semester in our academy, please contact your Erasmus coordinator at your school in order to know if there already is a bilateral agreement between our respective institutions. Or click here "Partner schools".

IMPORTANT ! : Courses are done in Fench, your acceptance at our institution is based on the quality of your portfolio and the available places in our ateliers. It is not because you have been selected for an Erasmus mobility in your home institution that this means you are accepted at the ArBA-EsA. An internal jury decides on the result of your application.

In order to do so, send us the application form, your portfolio (max A4), a CV, and a motivation letter by email to the following address :

Please send your application before the 15th of April for the first semester of the following school year and before the 10th of November for the second semester.

Download the application form HERE
Download our fact sheet HERE 

‼️ERASMUS applications for the Urban Space - ISAC course can only be made in the second semester.

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