Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la soutenance publique de la thèse de Samah HIJAWI qui aura lieu le 18 septembre prochain à 16h, Gemeenschapscentrum Elzenhof, avenue de la Couronne 12 - 1050 Bruxelles.
Samah Hijawi is an artist, researcher and curator. Since 2005 she collaborats in different capacities with Ola El-Khalidi and Diala Khasawneh, on the programming and management of Makan art space, an independent space dedicated to the facilitation and production of arts and culture in Amman. In 2012 the on-going curatorial platform the river has two banks was initiated with Shuruq Harb and Toleen Touq, to create and facilitate multiple occasions for discussions and presentations that address the growing distance between practitioners in Jordan and Palestine.
Her visual practice and writing explore oral and visual expressions in relation to trauma and dislocation in the Levantine Arab region, with a specific focus on shifts in subject matter and aesthetics in Arab art in correlation with important political moments in the region. Her works have been shown in; Aleppo art Space - Brussels, Beureau Europa- Masstricht, MoMa and Apex Art - New York; Darat al Funun and Al Balad Theater - Amman; Beirut Art Center - Beirut; Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt, Birzeit University Museum - Ramallah; Luisiana Museum - Copenhagen; and The Onasis Center - Athens.