

Andrea Zavala Folache is an artist, a childcare responsible, a performer and a researcher. Andrea has a transdisciplinary approach to dance informed by her training in painting, hand-drawn animation, film and choreography. She believes that experimenting in the craft of these disciplines un-hierarchically and ‘through eachother’ norms and knowledge may suspend and move ethical, poetic and political relational frames. Apart from engaging in long-term collaborative creations and experiments, such as Domestic Anarchism, Lands of Concert and Performing Arts Forum, Andrea has a pedagogical practice and research that evolves through working with the pedagogical team of Espace-Urbain ISAC (Institute Supérieur des Arts et des Choréographies) as a Assistant Professor in Brussels and as a guest teacher for several courses in SNDO (School for New Dance Development). She is a mother of a three year old.