Ouvert au public
Les conférences, intégrées au cœur même du projet Arts & Crafts, aujourd'hui, se distinguent comme des forums essentiels d'interaction et d'ouverture, accueillant également un public externe. Leur objectif premier réside dans l'approfondissement de l'articulation entre la théorie et la pratique, offrant ainsi un espace propice à une réflexion approfondie sur les implications contemporaines de l'artisanat et de l'art et probablement sur les dispositifs de transmission.
Call me by your name / Giovanna Massoni
Jeudi 21 mars
11:00 > 12:00
Atelier d'Architecture d'intérieur
Intervenante : Giovanna Massoni.
The art of making, the art of marketing. Art, craftsmanship, design are old categories created by the official history. Do we still need those disciplinary grids? What about the uncloistering trend in our post-industrial society? Design-art, functional artworks, collectible design? What about pure and honest crafts, what about design and the ‘real world’? Names, even in their fluidity, identify a (political) attitude and give meaning to actions of change. They determine responsibilities and choices.
Do you agree? Technological and material experimentations, critical and social design, speculative explorations, are some of the tools that bring artefacts in a blurry and porous sphere, nowadays. How to valorize and understand this new generation of undisciplined works? Where can we fifind them? Who are the buyers/clients?
Giovanna Massoni (born in Milan, lives in Brussels) is an independent curator and consultant working in the field of design and visual arts. Since 2005 she has been regularly collaborating with institutions and museums for the promotion of Belgian and international design as curator and communication strategist.