À l’occasion de sa présence à Bruxelles, dans le cadre du projet "A life worth living: a workshop on struggle, care and joy" au Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Silvia Federici sera présente pour une deuxième rencontre à l’ArBA-EsA.
"War, Reproduction, and Feminist struggle"
As the expansion of capitalist relations is causing the displacement and destruction of communities across the continents and a state of permanent warfare, Federici argues that ‘Palestine is the World’ and calls for broad-based feminist movement against war and for a non exploitative society.
Silvia Federici is considered one of the leading feminist theoreticians in Marxist feminist theory, women’s history, political philosophy, and theory of the commons. Her famous book, Caliban and the Witch, reconstructs the history of capitalism, highlighting the continuity between the capitalist subjugation of women, the slave trade, and the colonization of the Americas. It has been described as the first history of capitalism with women at the center.
Rendez-vous à 16h45 à l'auditoire Horta. On fermera les portes 5min avant le début de la conférence. Attention, le nombre de places est limité. Une fois la jauge atteinte, nous ne pourrons plus accepter de personnes dans l'auditoire.